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Lace Bonnet Back 1071-1610,10
Cap Caul
Lace Bonnet Back 1071-1610,10

Cap Caul

Date18th c.
DimensionsLength: 7"
Credit LineAnonymous gift
Object number1971-1610,10
DescriptionCap Caul: 5 pieces of a drawnwork ground with embroidery sewn together, making the pattern of scrolling flowers and scrolling leaves difficult to analyze. Question if these pieces were originally meant to be a back for a cap.
ProvenanceEx coll: Tomlinson, D.C. Cohen.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,6
18th c.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,8
18th c.
Bonnet Back 1971-1610,4
18th c.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,1
18th c.
Lace Cap Back 1971-1610,3
18th c.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,2
18th c.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,7
18th c.
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,5
18th c.
ca. 1700
Lace Bonnet Back 1971-1610,9
18th c.
Early 18th C.
Record photo by LB.
Textile 1650-1660; altered later.