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Trunk, Hair

Trunk, Hair

Artist/Maker John Bryant
MediumDeal, leather; brass, iron, and paper
DimensionsOH:11 1/4"; OW:20 1/8"; OD:12 1/8"
Credit LineMuseum Purchase
Object number1967-318
DescriptionRectangular trunk covered with hair/leather with domed lid hinged at rear; brass bail handle on top; rectangular iron lock plate on front with hinged iron hasp on front of lid (broken); lid and front of trunk banded with thin strips of dark leather fastened with brass tacks; interior lined with two layers of legal papers, the top one apparently an index to the Acts of Parliament from 1790-1800; each layer decorated all over with stencil in circular pattern. Paper label attached inside lid.

Deal case covered with leather; brass tacks and handle; iron lock.
MarkingsLabel attached to inside of lid reads in part: “TRUNK MAKER/TO THE/ROYAL FAMILY/Solid Leather Portmanteau, Water-Proof Imperial, and/Iron-Bound Traveling Trunk Manufactory,/22, UNION PASSAGE,/Two Doors BELOW the CORRIDOR./TIN CASES fitted up for Sea Voyages at the shortest Notice, and the lowest Terms./..J. BRYANT/ RETURNS his grateful acknowledgements to the Nobility and his Friends in general for/ the liberal support he has hitherto experienced, and begs respectfully to inform them/ that he continues to manufacture all kinds of strong Iron-bound Traveling Trunks, solid/ Leather Portmanteaus on the newest and most approved plan. Imperials and Ladies'/ Hat Boxes made for the tops of carriages, and fitted up complete with Oil-Cloth/ Covers, &c. so as to render them water-proof, of the best materials, and on the lowest/ terms. All sorts of Traveling Bags, with iron frames to lock up, for the convenience/ of carrying linen, &c. Trunks and Imperials fitted to carriages.--- J. B. also/ manufactures all kinds of Caravan Trunks, Millboard Boxes, and Packing Cases; Tin/ Cases made and fitted up complete for the purpose of packing ladies' dresses and/ wearing apparel in, so as to insure those articles from injury by sea voyages, which/ are now generally adopted by ladies going out to India, of which he has a variety of/ sizes always on sale. Gilt Red Leather Trunks, School Trunks, Portfolios, and /Desk Cases of every description, or made to any pattern. Ladies' Footstools and/ Carriage Seats with Cushion Tops constantly on sale, or made to order. Hair and/ Leather Nest Trunks as cheap as any manufactory in the kingdom./ N.B. Box-Boards, Millboards, White and Blue Papers, Locks and Keys, with every other Material for the/ Business of a Box and Trunk Maker, sold Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest Terms./Old Trunks repaired, purchased, or taken in exchange./COUNTRY SHOPKEEPERS SUPPLIED, AND A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE MADE./printed by S.GIBBS, 4 New Bond Street, Bath."
1938-214, Trunk
2024-379, Trunk
1784 (dated)
1985-183, Trunk
1958-19, Trunk
1995-73, Box
Ca. 1820
1930-346, Box